5 Keys to Creating Compelling Content

5 Keys to Creating Compelling Content

Let's talk about content, shall we? Some may think it is a buzzword, while others may think it's just another marketing task to grudgingly approach. Either way, as the saying goes: "If cash is king, content is queen." Creative content is simply a catch-all term used to describe the different forms of multimedia business owners should use in relation to their digital marketing strategy and online presence.

Did you know? Your audience loves creative content. They expect it and watch to see what you're going to release next. And businesses should love creating content that their target audience can consume. Content is a great way to spark communication between a brand and its customer or client base. Not only that, creating content is one of the best ways to truly connect with your audience and learn about what they like and dislike as well as what truly matters to them. If you talk to your audience in interesting ways, they will talk back to you.

The goal with any content you create as a business owner should be tri-fold. Your content must do three things to really connect with your audience.

  1. Capture Attention - Content has to be so compelling that it quickly gets the attention of the intended audience. One surefire way to capture attention is to use a catchy headline or a hook.
  2. Exhibit Creativity - Innovation is what fuels big ideas and discussions around those ideas. Don't copycat what your competitors are doing. The more original and creative you can be the better.
  3. Spark an Emotional Reaction - As human beings, we are moved either positively or negatively by our emotions. Compelling content should make the audience feel something.

Now that we've discussed how your content should connect with your audience. Let's discuss what your content must offer in order to be compelling and position a purchase (conversion) or a connection (lead).


  1. Educate - Educational content is anything that teaches the audience something they perhaps did not know using data, statistics, or fact-based research.
  2. Inform - Informational content is anything that provides a review or overview of a topic from a distinct point of view.
  3. Entertain - Entertaining content is anything that provides amusement and interest.
  4. Inspire - Inspirational content is anything that sparks an emotional reaction from the audience.
  5. Offer a Call to Action - A CTA is another way of saying suggest an action step to the audience. A CTA must be compelling in order to make people want to act on whatever they hear or see.

Now that you know the keys to write great content, you might be wondering what types of content you should be focusing on. There are many forms of content you can choose to promote your business or brand online. Different types of creative content include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos
  • Case studies
  • Ebooks
  • Workbooks and Checklists
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters
  • Research and data
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Contests
  • Challenges

In the digital world that we live in, it's easy to get preoccupied with whether your content is compatible with search engine optimization initiatives or if it suits the latest algorithm. However, even the #1 search engine Google, is rewarding creators for publishing more helpful content. In their latest update, Google announced the HELPFUL CONTENT Algorithm. This is a sitewide algorithm that favors any content that is helpful to humans rather than content that is driven by SEO analytics or algorithms. From the looks of it, Google apparently wants to reward content creators who actually share helpful information on their websites, blogs, etc. That said, it is important to remember that you must create content that human beings will find useful, helpful, and compelling. And if you're ever at a loss for content ideas, think of the questions your target audience may want answers to, then give them the answers backed up with data, stats, and facts. Research shows, according to The Content Marketing Institute, that people love data and without it, most people don't trust whatever you have to say.

In closing, remember that high-quality content has its advantages especially if it positions you or your company as a thought leader in your niche or industry. The advantages far outweigh the time and effort that you must dedicate to this aspect of your digital marketing strategy. Let's look at some of the advantages of creating compelling, high-value content.

  1. Helps you to promote your brand or business.
  2. Helps you distinguish your company from your competitors.
  3. Aids you in making a memorable impact with your target audience.
  4. Establishes credibility with your target audience.
  5. Positions a purchase to convert prospects into paying customers.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should make creating content a part of your overall marketing plan and digital marketing strategy. What's your next best step? My suggestion is to create a content calendar now, get started with your creative and compelling content, and watch your brand grow.

This article was written by Lori A. Manns, president of Quality Media Consultant Group. The original copyrighted version was published on the blog found at www.qualitymediaconsultants.com

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Howard Tiersky

CEO at FROM | I help executives at large brands transform their customer experience to win in today’s digital world. Message me to learn more. WSJ Bestselling Author & Consultant, Top 10 Digital Transformation Influencer


These are helpful tips, Lori! The potential benefits of creating content are limitless. Content is one differentiator from competitors. It's important that businesses effectively utilize it to retain customers and increase prospects and revenue.

Sue McQueen

Financial Advisor with Primerica Advisors


Great article Lori!

Renarda Joy, M/WBE

I help motivated investors take the money they've earned and create more revenue! | Wealth Strategist | Real Estate Entrepreneur | The Legacy Playbook® 👇🏾LEARN MORE 👇🏾


Great insight Lori A. Manns! Exhibit Creativity is so important because so often we see individuals using other individuals content, clients aren't looking for a cookie cutter experience.

Luke Jean-Louis, Podcaster

💰I give free promotion!💰


Excellent article. I desperately need to improve my content game.

Nasahrhette Gbawa

Empowering Aspiring Spiritualpreneurs to Launch Authentic Businesses and Thrive!


Litterally planning my content calendar as we speak. I am working to actualize the funds to work with you. Looking forward to learning from you 1:1 to grow my business.

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